Palsatech’s mobile research units for drill core logging and cutting


Palsatech has designed new solutions to help drill core logging and core cutting in short-term drilling projects: mobile research units. The mobile research units are transportable drill core logging and cutting workstations that are built into shipping containers. 

The mobile research units can save the overall costs of the projects since no investments in facilities and their maintenance needs to be done. Both new products considerably streamline the research procedures on the drill site. The mobile units quicken and increase the efficiency of projects, when it is no longer necessary to send core samples for logging or cutting elsewhere.

All that is needed for these units at the site is a water junction and access to the power grid. In locations where this is not possible, transport water (tank truck or a water container) can be used for water supply, and the electricity can be produced by diesel generators. Note that our patented water circulation systems considerably decrease the amount of water needed for core cutting.

Units are built from sturdy shipping containers to withstand harsh environments and regular transportation. They are also insulated and equipped with heaters to work in colder climates. In warmer climates, effective airflow will be achieved by opening both ends of the unit and adding air circulation with a fan. 

The containers are equipped to match the strict HSE requirements of the mining industry including first aid kits, fire extinguishers, safe tools, and other necessary equipment that your operations might need.

The best features of Palsatech’s mobile research units:

  • Allows drill core logging and core cutting on-site
  • Transportable by ship or truck
  • Size: 6,05×2,44×2,59 meters (LxWxH)
  • Equipped with heaters, lights, and all the necessary tools
  • Custom-designed for the customer
  • Our skilled personnel assist in the operation

Core cutting and sample preparation unit 

The core cutting and sample preparation unit is a completely transportable workstation with state-of-the-art equipment for core splitting. The workstation includes an automated NTT core saw, a water circulation system, and a set of processing tables and tools.

The core cutting unit is perfect for short and temporary projects, where there is no existing premises or equipment for drill core cutting and sample preparation. The workstation allows sample preparation at the drilling site. 

The mobile unit quickens operations since there’s no longer a need to send samples elsewhere for sawing. The efficiency of the project is also improved when no additional transport stages are needed. 



Core logging and research unit 

Drill core logging and research unit is a product enabling high-quality and safe drill core logging in locations where you don’t have existing workspaces or equipment in place.

The transportable core logging unit includes logging tables, lights and a required set of worktables, and tools. Cameras, portable XRF-devices, magnetometers, and other instruments can also be added to the service.

Logging and other data collection on the drilling site produce immediate results and streamline geological operations significantly. The drill core logging unit lessens transportation needs, which quickens operations and reduces costs.



Please contact us if you’re interested to hear more!